Life and Living insurance tailored for families, professionals and businesses​​

We all like to think “it won’t happen to me”, but the reality is, bad things do happen. And they can happen to anyone at any time.

Our job is to provide the tools that enable you to make an informed decision on how to best protect yourself, your family and/or your business from death, illness or injury.

Don’t wait for the misfortune to happen, protect what matters most today.

What we do

Wellington Life Insurance Brokers Ltd provides tailored life insurance advice for families, professionals and businesses. In short, we find out what your goals are, assess your current situation and work with you to put the best protection plan in place for your specific needs. 

We pride ourselves on the regular contact we maintain with our clients. Life’s various changes can impact significantly on the need to review your levels of protection and we are happy to monitor this for you along with ownership issues and premium alterations.

Lastly, we are here to help every step of the way should you ever need to make a claim, making sure it is paid to the right people at the right time – It’s what we’re here for.

Phil’s business practice and advice process is audited on an annual basis by independent auditors to ensure compliance and best practice principals are adhered to.

Phil follows a Seven Step Process™ for giving financial advice as follows:

  1. Establish the client-adviser relationship
  2. Record client information that is relevant, determine your objectives and expectations, including the scope of service
  3. Analyse your financial situation
  4. Develop written advice, present and discuss with you
  5. Implement the plan, including any changes discussed
  6. Monitor and reassess the plan and make changes as appropriate
  7. Be there to deal with the claim
“Many thanks Phil for all you have done for our family. It’s been a long time that you’ve helped us with our insurance needs and provided advice on the best way forward. I’ve appreciated even more the friendship you’ve shown to all of us.”
Michael and Maureen Hammond

Contact us

We’d love the opportunity to chat about your insurance needs.

Here’s how to get in touch:

027 4874719

4 Palmer Crescent, Heretaunga

PO Box 48250,